Why I’m starting Zing Gardening

Hi, my name is Ged (pronounced as “Jed”). I’ve been building websites for years. 20 years to be exact. I built my first in 2002 back when making websites was a lot more “hands on”, shall we say. The site I built was a resource site for my students as I was an English teacher at the time working in Japan. I was hooked the moment I saw something published that I could point to and say “I created that.” Nothing much has changed in the past 20 years, I’m as addicted as ever.

Another thing I’ve always loved is gardening. I love being outside pottering around the garden. 9 times out of 10 I feel better for having spent even just 20 minutes out there. It almost feels like meditation. I’ve never been good at staying still, and have tried meditation countless times. Pottering in the garden on the other hand I can do.

While I’m digging a hole, pruning a bush, or simply tidying up, I observe my thoughts popping up and I let them have their moment before they fade away. Meditation is a similar thing from what I’ve heard. You observe your thoughts, and let them pass.

In addition, gardening is a physical activity and for a guy like me who spends a lot of time sitting at a computer, moving around is a good thing. In short, I’m convinced gardening is really good for me. I’ve just turned 50, and I figure if I start now it will keep me fit and healthy well into my old age. It’s working for the centenarians in Okinawa, so why not me.

I also live in Devon, England, one of the prettiest places you’ll find in the UK. Picture the shires in Lord of the Rings, and it’s not dissimilar. Lush, green, rolling hills, very mild throughout the year, and some of the nicest gardens you’ll find in the world. Being outside here, despite the amount of rain we get, is pretty great.

So what’s the plan for Zing Gardening? Well, I’ve decided I’m going to get better at gardening and growing vegetables (something I’m also very keen to do) and I’m going to document my progress here. I’ll be writing regularly, making videos, and starting a newsletter. If you happened upon this article, be sure to sign up to the newsletter.

Some of the topics I’ll cover in no particular order:

  • Lawncare
  • Pruning
  • What to plant where
  • Composting
  • Growing Fruit and Veg
  • Encouraging wildlife (esp. birds)
  • Greenhouse-related (plan to buy one)
  • Pond-related (plan to install one)
  • Building planters (e.g. plan to build some)
  • Plus inevitably a load more

Because I also read a lot (mainly non-fiction) and love my music (I play guitar), I’ll also include some recommended reads and listens.

Thanks for stopping by.

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